public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tag symfony



Dependency Injection (current) - Symfony

The Dependency Injection Container documentation, slightly improved lastly...



by 1 other
Composer, a php dependancies and package manager based on several symfony components. Bye bye PEAR?

IKS UX sematics contest (finalist presentation)

A presentation by Loïc Schulé about the Symfony CMF semantic content editor.

High Performance Websites with Symfony2

by 1 other
Jordi Boggiano gives some hints on how to improve the performances of a Symfony2 powered website


• State of Symfony 2 online conference – a killer feature revealed! |

Symfony 2 will include lots of goods - among them, a PHP implementation of Edge Side Include. A real professional developement framework!

technique @PMSIpilot » Code coverage des tests unitaires d’un projet symfony et intégration dans Hudson CI

Un exemple d'automatisation de tests unitaires avec symfony et Hudson. Le point intéressant est le calcul de la couverture des tests - idéalement, on doit tendre vers 100.

biko2's symfony_complete at master - GitHub

An autocomplete system for symfony command line. Tasty !

ServerGrove Blog » Blog Archive » Enhanced Access Control for Symfony Front Controllers

A simple way to extend the per-host access limitation to Symfony developement controllers.

Jouer avec symfony 2 sur github

by 1 other
Un tutoriel simple pour attaquer Symfony 2...


Symfony 1.4 on Git HOWTO (Part 1) « Kahel-AMP!

A small guide on how to use Symfony with git. Not sure everything is ready for this switch, particularly on the plugins and externals side...

sympLIST - Symfony Plugin Directory

by 1 other
The place for finding high quality Symfony plugins and developers for your web apps.

Advanced Routing (part 2) | More with symfony 1.3 & 1.4 | symfony | Web PHP Framework

A complete tutorial about route collections, which explains in detail what it is and how to use it.

Integrating symfony and Zend Framework (PHPBarcelona 2009)

The talk of Stefan about Integrating symfony and Zend Framework, during the PHPBarcelona Conference 2009

Plugins | sfLessPhpPlugin | 1.0.1 | symfony | Web PHP Framework

sfLessPhpPlugin is a plugin for symfony applications which parses .less files through LESS and outputs CSS files.

Sensio Labs books

by 1 other
The website of Sensio Labs books, where Sensio references all the books published by the company or contributors.

NetBeans for PHP : weblog

The work for supporting for Symfony PHP Framework in NetBeans 6.8 is finished. This should make Netbeans the default editor for PHP developers, far before Eclipse. As for me, I'll stick to Textmate :)

Symfony Templating - Simple yet powerful templating framework

The Symfony Templating component provides all the tools needed to build any kind of template system.

Plugins | uvmcSolrSearchPlugin | symfony | Web PHP Framework

Symfony Solr search plugin, which binds the Solr indexation / removal / search to Symfony events, and thus easily brings Solr search into Symfony projects. The (de-)indexation process could however be improved by overriding the save/delete model methods.

Symfony 1.2 admin generator - Graffletopia

Some stencils of Symfony 1.2 admin generator, which allow to draw wireframes using sf1.2 ui design elements.

sfManagedCachePlugin | Recoursive

The very point of caching is that it's faster and less resource intensive to deliver cached data than creating it on the fly. With existing cache solutions, when the cached data expires, it has to be refreshed while the user waits. In environments that rely heavily on caching, such behavior has the potential to create thread pileups and other cascading failure scenarios. This plugin introduces a cache manager : when an expired âge is called, then it is directly served from the cache, and then the cache gets asynchronously refreshed.

Symfony-Zone » HelloWorld example with Flex and Symfony

by 3 others
A simple guide on how to use Flex from within Symfony. The tutorial helps creating a simple client with a text field and a button, and shows all the mechanism involved in the communication to the Symfony backend server.